Monday, December 10, 2007


first post here. lagi2 merasakan hidup hampa. people say klo kmu ngerasa hampa, berarti itu tandanya belom menemukan tujuan hidup, and it's normal since kmu masih muda, minta petunjuk aja dari Tuhan. well, the thing is, kayaknya aku gak cukup iman, ato gak cukup religious to understand God's will, though I always ask Him for guidance. perhaps it's not my time yet to understand His plans....

I'm leaving Ann Arbor in 2 days, so tadi di gereja ada fare well for me. I'm quite ashamed actually coming to church, since I went to church only 3 or 4 times this semester hahah. but still it felt good, to know that church people still care about me so much, and to know that, based on the testimonies, they took notice of me, and it's good to know that I'm not a nuisance for them. And I have to admit, though it's not perfect, that ICC Ann Arbor is the church that I felt at home the most, among the others.

Ajin gave a testimony for me back then. " gw ni kagum banget sama popo. gw selama ini merasa Popo tuh sebagai idol gw. gw belajar banyak dari dia. dia tu orangnya pinter, otaknya jalan kalo lagi di suatu keadaan dia nemu bahan guyonan. dia selalu bisa bikin jokes segar dan lucu. sayangnya gw ga pernah dapet kesempatan maen sepanggung ama dia. semoga nanti gw bisa dapet. all the best for you po."
hahah. stupid Ajin. gw jadi ngerasa agak guilty di AA 2,5 taon gak pernah bener2 sering hang out ama dia. hahahah. oh well, siapa tau dia boong juga bisa. but tetep aja ngerasa terharu ada orang yang care.

well, goodbye Ann Arbor. it's been a good 2.5 years.

lights out.

3 comments: said...

makan tae loe.

biangkeladi said...

popo...sedih juga popo pergi, biar baru kenal blum lama...but you've been a great frined...huehue...

btw, blognya mankn agak emo...heehehe...


away said...

haha i just realised km punya profile.. afghanistan.. unta emang disitu??? egpyt kali!! hihihi..
update lagi dong your life di kerajaan magelang..
come back soon..